Pass Guarantee
We’re so confident that Driving Test Success Online will help you pass, that we are offering you a full refund if you should fail your car or motorcycle Theory Test after using our service thoroughly. Please note that the Pass Guarantee is only valid for customers who purchase the six month subscription service.
To claim a cheque equal to the amount you paid for this subscription service, you must be able to show us that you failed your DSA Theory Test despite achieving a high standard within DTS Online. To show that you qualify for a refund you must:
- 1. Have already purchased and activated a six month subscription to DTS Online with Focus Multimedia, using your real name (prior to the date of your test).
- 2. Always log in using an account bearing the name displayed on your Driving Theory Test entry form.
- 3. Have attempted a minimum of 10 full Theory Test exam sessions (including the Hazard Perception section).
- 4. Have achieved a 100% pass rate for 3 consecutive Theory Test Exam Sessions taken within the last 15 days prior to failing your theory test, with an average of 10 minutes left over after answering all questions.
- 5. Achieve at least 5 Hazard Perception exam passes (as part of the full Theory Test exam), with an average test result in excess of 65%.
You must also send us the following:
- 1. A printed copy of the receipt emailed to you when you purchased your DTS Online six month subscription. This must clearly show the price you paid, your full name and address, date of purchase and customer ID.
- 2. Your actual DSA Theory Test fail sheet (your name on the sheet must match your log-in name on the Exam Readiness Report). We will return this sheet to you once we have processed your claim.
As long as all our terms and conditions are met, and we receive your completed claim within 7 days of failing your Driving Theory Test, then you will receive a cheque refund, equal to the price you paid for the six month subscription service.
Please post your application for a refund to:
DTS Online Pass Guarantee
Focus Multimedia Ltd
The Studios
Lea Hall Enterprise ParkWheelhouse RoadRugeleyStaffordshireWS15 1LH
Terms and Conditions:
We only allow one Pass Guarantee application per person. The Driving Test Success Online Pass Guarantee is only valid against the Car Theory Test and Motorcycle Theory Test. It is not valid for professional users (for example driving instructor, LGV or HGV tests). Focus Multimedia reserves the right to verify your Driving Test Success Online user records which will prove whether you qualify for a refund. Focus Multimedia cannot be held responsible for any loss of data, nor any non-delivery of postal documents, which may delay or render invalid any Pass Guarantee claim.